Friday, April 24, 2009

come back to someone that forgot 9/11

Water boarding is short of torture.

Torture can more accurately be defined as being forced to jump 1,000 feet or more to your death to avoid being burned alive.

Torture can more accurately be defined as the 60 seconds or so of sheer terror grasping your seat as your airliner plunges head-first to the ground with a muslim freedom fighter at the controls

Torture can more accurately be defined as having to listen to the piercing noise of a 100 story tower crumbling on you from above you as you and your fellow patriots try to save civilian victims of terror

Torture can more accurately be defined as desperately trying to call your loved ones for a final goodbye as you see the pentagon full of thousands of patriots innocently doing their jobs growing larger in front of your airplane

Torture, my friend, is having to read and listen to the ratings of folks like you who's most significant contribution to our society was probably nothing more than casting an uninformed vote.

Torture can also more accurately be defined as being in a nice, warm, comfortable place looking forward to getting your first glimpse of your loving mother, who's warm voice has nurtured you for months on end of being jostled, poked and poked on, only to suddenly feel the excruciating pain of your skull being crushed and your brain matter being sucked from it in order to prevent being an inconvenience to someone who very likely voted for Barak Obama.


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